
Òran Mór...

so far there are three pieces in this new series. i like the way they feel…complete. each different, but sharing materials, execution, and expression. the first you've seen before but i reshot it so it's a bit better, but the other two are new. the images will enlarge if you click on them:

Òran Mór I. 28" x 22" x 1.5"

Òran Mór I (detail)

Òran Mór II.  28" x 22" x 1.5"

Òran Mór II (detail)

Òran Mór III. 17" x 17" x 1.5"

Òran Mór III (detail)

the idea of Òran Mór  - gaelic for "the great melody" is something that's palpable in my life; i hear the melody swirling around me; i feel it. it's central to who i am and the way i experience life.

it has inspired other work in the past (see "celtic reflections" here) and is undoubtedly the reason so many of the titles of my work reference music; i.e  "requiem" and "adagio" being used most recently.

i've finished the last of the "calls for entries" for a while and am very much looking forward to a quiet period of just working; listening to the Òran Mór…seeing where it leads me...

and maybe i'll dance a little jig to it if i really get inspired!

: : karen anne


  1. beautiful, beautiful work, my sister of the song......

  2. just beautiful. each piece has a feeling of fragile tension, and a childlike vulnerability.
    so glad to have seen it.

    1. Joni, I'm glad you like them. Have several more in mind to complete in the near future.
