
No new site yet...

Lordy. Ain't  nuthin' easy...

I thought that by now the new website would have been up for well over a week, but nooooo!

One problem after another. I've now got a straight line to Apple Senior Advisors. And to the same level at Epson. Trying to solve the problems had both groups working hard, but in the end I had to erase the hard drive on my iMac because it refused to cooperated with any of the "fixes". Once I reinstalled everything (well, mostly since my last backup to the external drive had been 10 days prior) sweet iMac refused to recognize my printer. Finally got things back on track, but it took more than a week.

Anyway, what to do when you feel way behind? Get right back at the task at hand? Heck no! You jump in and do some new work, right?

Ecstatic to have the printer working again I printed an image I took in September on our trip to Quebec; a closeup of a stainless steel panel on the ship we were on. Glorious, shimmering, silvery texture. Printed the 12 x 16 inch image in black and white and then added added circle of perforations. The resulting work is reminiscent of a quiet day at sea:

Felt so good to do something more creative than re-installing software. I can get back to the website tomorrow...

Hope you're all well and having a good summer. Thanks for your patience and for hanging in there with me!

May the Gods of Technology always be on your side,

: : Karen Anne


  1. Love it. Looks like the sea when we took our trip to Bermuda last year!

    1. Thank you! Any sea view is magical I think!
