
#159 The Lightness of White...

The studio is almost finished! Today I put the first coat of high gloss white enamel on the floor (thank you, Sherwin Williams!) and tomorrow the second will go down. Then its a matter of waiting 7 days (at least) for the paint to cure before I can start putting everything in place. But, truth to tell, I would love to leave it empty. The lightness of the space speaks to my soul.

Here are a few pictures I took this morning:

So pristine!

The fireplace was plain, but I added these pieces of trim I scored at an antique shop. Not sure if they were meant to go together since they don't fit next to each other exactly, but I like the bit of  "grace note" they add!

The teensy corbel pieces were in the group of pieces I got at the antique store. I turned them into wee shelf holders so I can prop up artwork as I might need/want to.

The window with the trim I cut and installed all by myself. I made a butt joint with bit of the top board extending a bit. Saw them done this way in an historic home in a magazine.

The FUN way to re-point a brick wall! Finally made use of the huge bag of corks Dean and I saved in the first years of our marriage. The benefit of using cork is that I can tack things up on them if I want to!

So that's it for today. Once I get the second coat on the floor I'm going to make the final decision on paint for the living room and music room and head to Lowe's to get it while they still have the $5 off per gallon. I love the Valspar Premium paint in Eggshell - covers so well and gives a nice finish. I'm pretty sure I'll go with the same pale creamy shade I used in the dining room.

Who would ever have thought I'd crave the look of pale walls? But, heck, everyone else is finally doing the intense shades I've had for years - so I know it's time to make some changes. I just can't figure out if I'm ahead of or behind the trends!

And hey! I may actually realize my May goal!!!

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