
influences #2...

a few snapshots of my closet and jewelry are pretty revealing.

there is virtually no difference between how i choose to dress most days and the colorful quilted drawings in my portfolio…

it makes me happy to look at all the colors and textures  - and the memories behind each piece.

it pleases me that at 63 1/2 i finally know how to dress in a way that makes me happy.

and what makes me happy is mixing styles, patterns, colors, textures, and the humble with the dear. most of what's pictured was discovered at salvation army, community aid, or the sales bins of the shops i frequent. i use "valuable" to describe my favorites; it has nothing to do with the price i paid.

i could describe the materials i choose for my work exactly the same way. it is the effect i seek, not the pedigree.

i like that my dress and my work influence each other. truth to tell, a number of things were bought to be cut up and used for the drawings but i decided to wear them a while first. when i finally do wash and cut them up to use, it gives the work a deeper meaning. i like that it had a history and has served more than one purpose; not a bad goal for any of us in this life.

anyway… maybe, just maybe, i'm not as scattered as i sometimes feel. maybe there is some sense to be made from all this stuff.

that's reassuring...

: : karen anne

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